Course Overview and Policies

Course Overview

In addition to the Course Overview, each student has been given a copy of the St. Lucy's Policies which address the classroom standards for attendance, student behavior, assessment and evaluation as follows:


Students are expected to be in class daily. When a student is absent, it is her responsibility to find out what work was assigned. Failure to follow through is not an excuse for late work or missing assignments.  

Students are tardy if they are not in the classroom after the second bell. If students arrive late, they must have a note from a teacher or administrator in order to be excused; otherwise, it is considered an unexcused tardy.

Students who have been absent from school must present a note from their parents/guardians to the Attendance Office. The Attendance clerk will give students an Admission Form, which students present to their A Block teacher. Students are not admitted to A Block without an Admission Form.

Student Behavior
Students’ cell phones are not allowed to be in the “on” position during class. If a phone is used during class, the phone will be confiscated and turned into the Assistant Principal. Individual teachers may make exceptions for in-class use if it serves an educational purpose.  

All students are expected to adhere to the school uniform requirements.  

Students may not chew gum, eat or drink during class. The exception is water.  

Excessive talking, working on other classwork, disruptive behavior, or lack of focus in the classroom will result in a conference with the teacher. If it continues, parents will be called and administrative action may be called for.

Assessment and Evaluation
Academic dishonesty refers not only to cheating on classroom exams but also to any behavior that violates academic standards, such as plagiarism, copying homework or misuse of technology. The usual penalty for academic dishonesty is to receive zero credit on the test or assignment. In certain cases, further disciplinary measures may be implemented. Students need to be aware that colleges will expel students for cheating and plagiarism.

If students are absent, they have as many days to make up tests and assignments as days they were absent.  Some exceptions to the number of days may be warranted at the teachers’ discretion.  

Grades for retake exams can never be higher than a “C.”

Students are expected to take final exams on the scheduled dates. If they are absent, parents must contact the Principal to arrange administration of exams. All courses are required to give final exams. The exams are comprehensive and are counted as part of either the second quarter or fourth quarter grade.

Channel One is required viewing on a daily basis and is considered part of the curriculum.

No extra credit will be offered in any St. Lucy’s courses.

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