Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dance Elective Survey

St. Lucy's currently offer two elective courses for dance education. Currently, the introductory level Dance 1 course is offered for two semesters with an option of a more advanced level Dance 2 for one semester. The school is reviewing the opportunity to expand these courses and provided more electives in dance. Your response to this short, anonymous survey will provide the data needed to maintain or extend dance course.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Dance 1 Music

All music has been edited for A, D and E Blocks.  If you are having difficulties downloading this music, please contact Mrs. Torres at  Thank you.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dancing Makes You Smarter

Your response to this article is due Tuesday, January 21 (no longer Friday, January 17) .  Responses must be typed, double spaced with Times New Roman size 12 font in a 2-3 page format.  Articles were distributed in class and discussed January 6-10.  To review this article online, please click here.  Thank you.