Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Friday, August 23, 2013

Quiz 1 Review

Need to Review for the first Quiz on Math, Music and Movement?  Please be sure to review the following questions for Tuesday's Quiz: Dance I or Dance II.

Just for fun (with a little education on the side, of course), enjoy the following YouTube videos which help your review:
Disney's 1959 film Donald in Mathmagicland (specifically 3:15 - 14:00).

From a recent TEDx presentation.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How to Measure for Girth

For dancers who have questions about measuring for leotards, please measure your girth.  To properly measure your girth size, have your mom or friend assist you.  The following YouTube video is a tutorial from Dancewear Solutions with better instructions:

Once you have your girth measurement, please us the following chart as a guidance in selecting your leotard:

If you are having difficulty reading this chart, please double-click on the image to enhance the photo size.  If you have any questions about the leotard sizing, please email Mrs. Torres at  Dancers have been able to try on a variety of sizes during the first week of school, and students have been asked to fill-in the forms themselves.  

Forms are due to Mrs. Torres on Friday, August 16.  Over the weekend, Mrs. Torres will process the orders and speak with the representatives from MandM Apparel before placing the order officially next week.  If your size was not originally listed on the hand-out, please speak with Mrs. Torres to be sure that your proper size is verified.  As a reminder, jazz shoes must be ordered but are different sizing than street shoes. 

Thank you.   

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Don't forget to turn-in your order form!


Welcome to the St. Lucy's Dance Class blogpage.  You'll find all materials and references used in Dance I and II listed on this site.  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Torres directly at

Thank you.